Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Writing a Technology Integrated Lesson Plan Using TaskStream, Hot list, and Web Safety

Hey Josh and Lindsey.
This week is the first lesson plan!
We will be using task stream to write a lesson plan for an elementary classroom. (5th grade)
Our lesson plans have to focus on a concept within our project and we each have to create a different lesson plan.
The three of us need to decide and discuss what information we will each have our student research.
We all must choose something different. (From different areas of the concept map)

Do either of you have an idea for your lesson plan?


  1. I was thinking about a lesson that will introduce the students to basic weather concepts and focus on the different kinds of weather maps. The goal would be for students to create different weather maps and practice reporting them to the class. This would be very useful for the video blog project. The students would become familiar with the different types of maps and how to present them.

  2. Ok, I like that. I am thinking about doing something with extreme weather

  3. Josh I am having my students make a poster! I forgot to tell you that. Did you stick with the weather maps for your lesson plan?

  4. Hey guys. Our original grade idea was 5th but the standards for fifth grade don't really fit our project .

  5. First grade is our best bet (to fit in with our standard) I know it isn't your ideal situation but I think that we will have to edit it to fit the standards.

  6. OK so I edited our document with our new grade level. The first grade standards fit perfect with what we need to do
    Standard: Earth Systems
    K-7 Standard E.ES: Develop an understanding of the warming of the Earth by the sun as the major source of energy for phenomenon on Earth and how the sun’s warming relates to weather, climate, seasons, and the water cycle. Understand how human interaction and use of natural resources affects the environment.
    Expectation: E.ES.E.2 Weather- Weather changes from day to day and over the seasons.

  7. Nice FInd, I can switch my lesson plan around for first grade and yes I am sticking with the maps.

  8. Awesome Josh! I hope you had/are having a good time with the lesson. Mine will be geared towards to middle of the unit since its extreme weather rather then basic

  9. I am going to do mine on different weather seasons and how it affects our daily lives. I am going to have them make a poster. They will have different seasons with how they should dress, what can do outside, and how it makes us feel. They will then report it to the class.

    1. Lindsey my group made a poster so you need to come up with a different assessment

    2. ", be sure that what students create from the information they have found during their research is different for each lesson. If two members of the team use the same lesson, neither will receive points for this assignment." This is what the directions say. I emailed you as well as chatted you on elearning to remind you of this detail. Please respond when you get them so I know that you are not longer doing a poster.
