Monday, September 22, 2014

Week of (9/22

Hey group!
A face to face meeting would be really great. Linsdey I know tomorrow at 6 works for you but i have class until 8:30 tomorrow. I could make a survey of times I can do and post it on here and then Josh and you can fill it out and we can go from there?
Things we need to do this week
1. Reading reflection (on our own, chapter 3)
2. Look at the concept map and decide if we are comfortable with it and email Peterson and let her know we posted it to regain points. Josh, I read your comment. I like it.
3. (Word for word from elearning below)
     A. What type of assignment we want to use?
     B. write a detailed desciption of our assingment in google docs.
   C.  I created the google doc , we can all go in and edit it until it is perfect! I invited you both by email
   D. After we complete that, We post it here to our blog
   E. THEN we need to create a google map. (virtual pen pal assignment) I don't 100% understand this part yet!

Part A: The first step in this assignment is for your group to decide what type of assignment you would do with your class (that directly relates to your Project-based Learning topic) to demonstrate cultural understanding and global awareness. Together, your team will write up a detailed description of this assignment. Examples might be having students in your class and in a class from a different place compare and contrast differences and similarities between their regions as they relate to the content of their projects (i.e. different/similar vegetables, birds, weather, etc.) Assume that will use ePals to help you identify and connect with another group of students. Be sure to add the following in this description (this will take some creativity and imagination):
  • Who are the students your students will communicate with (specific location, grade level)?
  • When would your students contact these other students (at what point in their project work)?
  • What kinds of questions would they ask each other and what kinds of information would they share?
  • What will they do with the information they get from the other students?
This writing will be completed in Google Documents. Once it is complete, each group member will receive 50 points.
All group members will be able to edit (add to or delete) information to this detailed description. In order to do this, you will have to do the following:
1. One member of your group will create a document. That group member will need to invite the rest of the group members to share the document with the option to edit and make the document public. (Use the Share button and add other group members email.) Your instructor will be invited to share the document with the option to view.
2. Each group member will add to the detailed description and review/edit other members portions until the whole group is completely satisfied with the description. Instructors will be able to see who did and did not take part in this assignment.
3. Once the detailed description has been finalized, it will need to be published to your group Blog. To publish to your blog, open up the document. On the right hand side, you will find a "Share" button. Change from Private to Public on the Web. Then you will need to copy the URL at the top of this box, go to your blog, create a message. Paste the URL, highlight it, click on the Link icon and paste the URL. Then post.
Part B: The second step is for your group to create a map in Google Maps. This map will be related to your Virtual Penpals assignment (see above) in some way .... your team decides how. A different group member will begin the process and then invite group members to share themap.The final map along with a brief explanation about the map will need to be posted to your group blog. Once it is posted, all group members will receive 50 pts.
All group members will be able to edit (add to or delete) to this map. In order to do this, you will have to do the following:

1. Your group will decide what the map will be used for and create a "route" to wherever.
2. One member of your group will go to Google maps and create the map and have other group members review.
3. Once the map is complete, click on Link Icon (chain) in the top right hand corner about the map. You will need to copy the Embed Code under "Paste HTML to embed in web site". Go to your blog and create a new post. Click on HTML and then paste the Embed Code into a post on your blog. Be sure to add an explanation of the map.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I think the first thing we need to do is all give the times we are available to meet lets try and have this hashed out by tomorrow night.

    My Current Availability-
    Monday: 4:30-7:00
    Tuesday: 1:00-7:00
    Wednesday: Nothing
    Thursday: 2:30-7:30
    Friday: Work
    Saturday: Work
    Sunday: Work

    Technically I don't have these times as free . I work three different jobs but I told my work that I needed to figure out some scheduling, so I took this week off. If we can decide my managers want my availability by Thursday morning to schedule me starting Friday.
    In other words, I will set my work schedule after I know when you gals can meet. I might beable to get a few hours over the weekend.

  3. I am only available Tuesday nights. I have class from 6:00-8:30 Monday and Wednesday and class Thursday 6:30-9:50. I work during the day so it is hard for me to meet before 6.

  4. Well if Tuesday is the only time you are available then I guess we are not meeting. I have a class 5:30-8 and Josh cannot meet after 7.

  5. Yah I got your message just in time on Thursday, I can d a few hours
