Monday, November 10, 2014


We definitely need to meet to work on this storyboard this week. This is something that I strongly feel needs to be done face to face. I guess that means something like Skype would work. Please list your available times in the comments.


  1. Hey Josh ! Thanks for getting the ball rolling, I agree. I needs to be done face to face. I can meet Thursday anytime after 2 and I can meet Friday ( I work 7-2), Sat, or Sunday. I can get some stuff started today and tomorrow as well.

  2. Oh wait its due Friday. Thats weird. Ok I can meet Wednesday but only super late at night

  3. I think Thursday is best for me, or late tonight, I can make Friday evening work as well

  4. Ok Josh, Lindsey:
    It is due tomorrow. Either we meet today or we try to collaborate this through the blog.
    The advice she gave us is this:
    1. Figure out what steps you would need to complete the project-based learning project you decided to do (best thing is do not think of assignments that you have done so far -- just think of every single thing students would have to learn to be able to complete the project). Write down these pages first. You are required to complete 2 pages per person on the web site (not including the home page or standards page) so you will need to make sure you have enough pages for your group members.

    2. Figure out where each assignment that you have done for this semester fits. See my Sample Storyboard for a clear picture .... write these down next.

    3. Figure out where you need new resource and/or new items of information. Again, see my Sample Storyboard for a clear picture ..... write these down next.

    4. Be sure that each member of the group figures out what they are going to do for their New Original Resource (they should not all be the same). Write these down and please put your name by the New Original Resource and what it will be.

    5. Submit on time so I can review and give feedback on Saturday.

  5. I shared a google doc with both of you

  6. It gets emailed to you, its ok it was due Friday, I emailed you about it as well. We do have to edit and redo it ASAP.


  8. She emailed us her comments on it.
    NOTE: Where do you invite family, friends, and community members to attend the first presentation of the weather report? Where do you do the advertising? You should have a page for that too." and we have to edit family and creating a blog and perhaps take them off

  9. Lindsey have you looked at it yet?
