Wednesday, October 15, 2014


I was thinking one of the concepts from the book could be "Changing Their Worldview" I think this would be very good to share with the parents. If we were lucky it might even intrigue the parents themselves.


  1. And maybe for another concept we could use 21st Century skills

  2. Here is the google doc I created to get our script going! I will focus on the "where we are going" section for now!

  3. I read the Google doc you sent me and it sounds great!

  4. Josh, 21st century sounds good and I think the book would be a good source too.

  5. Ok so we are meeting Tuesday. On Tuesday I have class until somewhere between 7:30-8:30. Should we plan to meet at 830?
    Lindsey said she can meet Tuesdays after 4 so Josh, as long as you can make this work then we have a day!!

  6. What time is your class? I do have to work the next morning. 8:30 is late is there a way we could meet around 4?

  7. My class starts at 5, I'm not sure if an hour would be enough. If all three of us edit the script tomight and come prepared tomorroe maybe we can record it within an hour. But I think that 830 works better for Josh and we really need to meet to get this done.

  8. FINE! I will only be able to stay until 9:30! I have an hour drive back home and I have to be to work at 6 the next morning!

  9. Lindsey,
    you gave me a very small time to work with to get our project done. I am sorry that it doesn't fit into your schedule at your ideal time. We will be efficient and get done what we need to. Lets meet in the BHC or Sangren so we can freely talk and record what we need to.
    Since your schedule is on conflicting times with Mine and Josh's we can look forward at the semester ahead of us tomorrow night as well.
    Upcoming we have a second lesson plan. So we will need to be on top of making sure that we all have different topics an assessments.
    After that we have another check on our concept map, a digital story, a story board, and our team website. We will need to meet for our website from what I heard it is difficult.
    It seems the only time that works for all three of us (To get things done before Sundays) is Tuesday nights so we can plan ahead to that.

  10. Okey dokey, I say we meet at both times first to finalize the script and then to record it. Having us all be there will make the podcast much smoother and just better all around. I have about an hour left of work and I work at 6:30 tomorrow morning, I can't promise I will work on the script tonight but I will try.

    1. Thanks Josh. I have my internship and two classes today bit I am gonna do my best as well

  11. Lindsey can you meet at both times?
